What should I say?...

Here are some of their success stories.

Dear Rabbi Eisenberger,

What should I say? The shiurim are just marvelous, unbelievable. With such clarity, everything is explained and presented like a table set and ready to just sit down and enjoy. Such fine language and with such a straightforward approach! What a shame! Where were you the past few years?!? I would have saved myself from so much aggravation, hours upon hours with professionals and above all so much money. I have lost count of the hours I’ve devoted in building my home and the amount of money I’ve invested on social workers and all other mediators. And here, in a matter of hours, I’ve learnt so much information in such a clear manner with such a practical approach. It’s too good to be true, but it’s a fact!

Not that I want to belittle all the others, but if someone is thinking about going for help he should first listen to your series of shiurim before he attempts other avenues. And possibly, if someone is going for help and is not getting to where he wants, he too should try and listen to the shiurim.

Your reward is immeasurable, and you have a part in building so many Jewish homes. May The One Above pay you for your deeds.

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