To the honored R’ Eliyahu Pinchas,
After listening to your shiurim (both series), I would like to express my observations.
Amazing Shiurim based mostly on the teachings of Chazal and their students. The classes are made up of information combined with personal work on oneself, as they answer many questions and queries and apply to the following:
1) For the pious Jew who is within the 4 cubits of Halacha and is forced to go out into the filthy streets.
2) For the person that toils and works and is faced with daily challenges at his workplace.
3) For the merchant that has women and girls employed that want a relationship with their boss.
4) For the Salesman that needs to impress in all different ways.
5) For those that have a good marital relationship but would like to make it even better.
6) For those that do not have marital harmony and want to correct that before it’s too late…
7) For those that suffer from foreign thoughts during their prayers.
8) For those that haven’t yet fulfilled “…and you shall make your wife happy” and would like to correct that.
9) Even for those that have fallen prey to the technological difficulties but are still within.
10) A general answer for this generation with our unprecedented Nisyonos. For the many that are sitting and learning and their wives are the breadwinners and carry the responsibility of the home too. With all that, she doesn’t get the appreciation and recognition she deserves from him because he wasn’t taught…
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