Dear Rabbi,
I am so grateful to you for fulfilling your mission by spreading happiness in homes.
Barely a week has passed, since I’ve participated in the tele seminar and I’m already seeing much success!
1) I’m a new person. For example; I’ve always viewed my home with so much negativity. I was so bitter, and even if I always considered myself a positive person I only saw negativity. But, being that I’m good natured, I used to go weekly to certain specialists and beg for a solution to better my home. And most of them only pointed out even more negativity in my home. And so I would eat myself up in pain. (according to what some specialist explained to me, it was a wonder that I was surviving my situation.)
But now, thank G-d, I’ve ecstatic, I’m a new person! I see that my home is the best it can be. I’ve become so positive and forever grateful to Hashem.
I’ll explain it to you with one example, one negative thing I’ve always seen in my wife was that she’s too harsh on the kids and I thought to myself that’s not the way, the way should be one of beauty and calmness. What did specialists say? She will ruin your children and will turn them into goyim… and many other scares. What did they accomplish? a) They got me all heated about my wife. b) they cursed my children and me with… c)They billed me plenty for teaching me how to save my family from going under, and it only got worse and worse.
By the tele seminar I got a clear picture of my home in the exact opposite way. And the wildness a) it’s in normal range as it should be b) it’s calming down more and more although since the Tele seminar, I never said a word to her.
2) My wife keeps on excusing herself to me.
3)I’ve accomplished with the Tele seminar in 7 weeks, many times over that which I’ve accomplished with real professionals in two years.
I’m wishing you with much respect, that you should always have much nachas from your children. May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
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